Monday, December 24, 2012

2012 Finals, thoughts

So here we are.  The end of another fantastic year. While I know that we have had updates via text throughout the playoff, I thought I would put up one more post here.

Here is the final score again for the Championship.

Chuck 52 - Joe K 16.

A hard fought battle to get to the big game, and well done by both teams.

So, what did you score this week? How did you do?
You didn't do it? oh. I didn't either. For you that is.

I scored 108 total points. (two more than chuck did, and i would have won the punter battle over either guy.)

Again, doesn't matter unless i make the playoffs.  That is usually how my team treats me each year anyways.

As for the updates, scoring, etc, etc: I'm sure that the phone companies are loving us with all the texting we have done over the year, including the final weeks here. For those keeping score, we have had an excellent year of updates both via texts and this here blog.  As usual, we hit a few snags. They were predicted, and offered a solution, but not heeded and we felt the slight effect of it.

It seems that the pressures of a lazy society are always crashing against the breakwall that is our league. It was stated to me, "why do i need an online system to tell me how much i'm getting my ass kicked by? I know what my team is doing, I know if i'm winning or losing." I know, I agree and understand.

Again, one of the unique things about our league is involvement in your team. I cherish it, i love it, i hate it. But it is ours, and ours alone. There is nothing more that needs to be said on this topic from me.  If you read my post before, you know where I stand. And as long as I am a commissioner in the GFFL, that is where the League stands. It takes courage to do the right thing, to make the unpopular call, but the right call. I believe that I am making the right call for the long term betterment of the League.

As to the future, look to the final standings to see the first four picks.
Take the two losers of the playoffs and lower seed has the fifth pick, higher has the sixth.
Joe K has the seventh.
Chuck the eight.

AGAIN, draft day has been decided!!! 
I am telling you now.

if we have four teams there, we have four teams there.



Good luck to you in this offseason.
See you in 2013.

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