Thursday, September 27, 2012

what... no smartass comments??

So, just reviewed the post here, noticed that the standings weren't correct with Peter out in limbo there. I put him in the proper place.

Glad to see nobody is reading this. It would have hurt my feelings if people would have messaged me with evil complaints.

But, the flip side to not having people reading is that I can do whatever I want, I guess. Then when people complain about something, I can say "it was on the blog" and there for weeks, so why are you complaining now?!!

So here. Let me try this.

The first person to respond to this post will get a five point homefield advantage this week. Including me ofcourse. We will call it the "replacement special".

Have at it.

But seriously, 23 views from 7 guys and not one of you caught the error or felt the urge to respond??

1 comment:

  1. I was smart enough to know where Peter belongs...that is amonst the bottom dwellers
